
Ferguson: What’s Wrong With Those People?

Ferguson Riot
On Monday evening one of our Base Camp graduates posted this on Twitter:  
“Watching my city tear itself apart is making me cry.” #Ferguson
I silently asked myself, “What’s wrong with those people?” This is the question everyone’s asking. But who exactly are “those people”? Are “those people” police officers? Rowdy teens? Prosecutors? Grand Jurys? Race baiters? Instigators? Protestors? Opportunists? Rioters?

A popular news source once posed this question to readers: “What’s wrong with the world?” Author G.K. Chesterton answered by letter and beautifully summed up the proper Christian response: 

Dear sir,

Regarding your article: ‘What’s wrong with the world?’

I am.

Yours truly,
G.K. Chesterton 

I am what’s wrong. You are what’s wrong. They are what’s wrong. Jesus and only Jesus is what’s right. Someone once said that if this world were an old western movie everyone would be wearing the black hats. We’re all the bad guys. Only Jesus wears the white hat. Only Jesus is the good guy.
This Thanksgiving, let’s be thankful for salvation by grace through faith in Jesus. Let’s be thankful for Christ’s righteousness wrapped around our sinful frames like a warm winter coat. Let’s be thankful for the grace God showed us, while we were yet sinners, and let’s pray that grace finds it’s way into the hearts of “those people”.
Jeremy Smith
Executive Director
(Co-Chief of all Sinners)